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November 25, 2023 at 2:01:50 PM

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Monthly Edition: October

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Devastated People, Devastated Business

Monthly Edition: October

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Dongha Kim, Seyeon (Diane) Lee, Yubin Cho, Yeounseo Kim, Chawon Jung, Jieeun Newhook, Sugyeong Hwang, Suji Lee, Heyn Lee

At the end of World War II, global communities, due to the massive death of Jewish people caused by the Holocaust, were all persuaded that the Jewish people needed a Jewish nation. Although this seemed reasonable, this caused thousands of Palestinians living in the area to become refugees, just because the world has claimed their land as now belonging to the Jews.

Since then, a series of conflicts have arisen. The most recent terrorist attack of Hamas, an Islamist political group in Palestine, have changed the situation quite drastically, though; Their attack on land, sea, and air have killed over a thousand Israeli civilians, which inevitably pulled Israel directly into the conflict, and caused the Israeli government to react to the conflict as violent as the cause brought by Hamas.

However, the reaction of the Israeli government towards the terrorist attacks seems like it is heading the wrong way, towards innocent Palestinians and threatening their lives, including several business aspects of the nation.

One example of a devastated business influenced by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the schools of Gaza. On October 29, 2023, the Gaza Ministry of Education officially announced that: “This year’s [school semesters have] officially ended due to the deaths of most of the students”. About 45% of the deaths caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are children, with over 4,000 children dead from the bombing of Israel.

It seems clear to the global community that no matter the core of the conflict, terrorizing innocent children should be stopped.

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