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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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The 20th CCP Congress Election Is Right Around the Corner, and Xi Is on a Rodeo


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Recent conflicts, including the Taliban attack inAfghanistan and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, are leading many people to cross international borders. According to a recent survey conducted by The Pew Research Center, 72 percent of Americans proclaimed that people trying to escape from violence in search of safety should be very or somewhat prioritized for immigration policy in the United States. The other 28 percent insisted taking in civilian refugees as a major priority. In general, America is decently optimistic with regards to accepting refugees. However, the activeness of the policy deeply varies depending on the different party, race, and ethnicity.

​Based on the Pew Research Center survey, providing four options as a response: not at all critical / not too important / somewhat important / very important produced the result of 41% of either democrats or individuals who advocate the Democratic Party claimed taking in refugees needs to be regarded as very important. In contrast, 13% of Republicans and GOP (republican party) considered accepting civilian refugees significant. The outcome of the survey shows substantial partisan differences in the question. Furthermore, women in America were leaner to take in refugees trying to seek a safe place, which should be very important compared to men, as 38% of women strongly agreed to the acceptance. In comparison, 28% of men positively answered the question. 38 % of Hispanic (people, cultures related to Spain) adults voiced their opinion to embrace the refugees more than white (25%), black (30%), and Asian (26%) Americans. Specifically, Hispanic people born outside of the USA were more likely to support the policy of taking civilians compared to Hispanic people born in the US (US-born Hispanics), as the outcome was 44% vs. 33%. Similarly, people who have accentuated their Hispanic identity as very significant are more leaned to the side where they regard acceptance as a fundamental policy goal than those people who say their Hispanic identity is less important to them (45% vs. 27%). The research outcome says Americans are generally open to accepting civilian refugees, especially those Latinos in the United States who tend to be more active with the acceptance policy, including the immigration system.

The current immigrant policy in America; President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, has changed the immigration policy during his first three months of the regime. He decided to allow unauthorized immigrants who arrived in America during their childhood to live legally and stopped proceeding with constructing a wall between the United States and Mexico border. Besides, the president has proposed legislation to make it much easier for immigrants to stay in the United States and increase the investment in technology that secures the border.

In general, most Hispanic people in the US think the country's immigration policy needs to be fixed. The following opinion stays around the adults and expands across all age groups and education levels. At least three-quarters of Hispanics firmly proclaim that immigration policies need total reform, even though Democrats and Republicans prioritize different immigration systems. Hispanic people who identify as part of the Democrats leaned toward the side where they say it is an important goal to allow immigrants, including refugees who came to the United States illegally, as 61% of people responded positively to the acceptance. Vice versa, Hispanic people who identify themselves as Republicans insist on being less optimistic about the open policy, as only 36 % of people responded positively. Similarly, 59% of Hispanic Democrats agree that it is imperative to prepare a suitable system for immigrants that stay in the United States illegally to stay in the country legally.

In comparison, only 33 % of Hispanic Republicans claimed (59% vs. 33%). Nevertheless, 68 % of Hispanic Republicans insist increasing security on the U.S.-Mexico border is very important, while only 33% of Hispanic Democrats insist. In addition, a majority of Hispanic Republicans, 59 %, proclaim it is essential to keep people from overstaying their visas, compared with only 30% of Hispanic Democrats.

In conclusion, the perspective of Americans on accepting policy is generally favorable. The current regime of the United States under President Joe Biden is also favorable as he is trying to bring the best outcome for both immigrants and citizens of America. Among diverse groups in America, the differences were varied by different races as Latinos shared the sentiment of embracing the people more than Asian, white, and black Americans. In addition, come to the political perspective of the United States; Democrats were more likely to accept outsiders compared to the Republicans. Similar differences have also occurred among Hispanic people.


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Yusang Yoon


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