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CI G5 Students' Opinions on the New Gates


Photo of Chadwick International’s New Gates. Photo Take by Clarenne Shon


Clarenne Shon

A new gate system was implemented in CI starting in the 2024-2025 school year. This system requires all students and faculty to tap their ID cards or keyrings to gain entry into the school, enhancing security for the school community. The newly implemented gate system entails both advantages and drawbacks.

In an interview with I. Cho and E. Lim 5th, both mentioned the inconvenience of having to carry their ID card everywhere. If students forgot to bring their ID cards, they would have to use an iPad to register. Both I. Cho and E. Lim described this process as being tedious and inconvenient.  E. Lim specifically shared an experience when she was late for school and struggled to find her ID card in her bag, which caused further delays.

Conversely, D. Kim and J. Nam highlighted the benefits of the new system. They mentioned that these gates provide more safety for the students and also for faculty members because they prevent strangers from barging into CI.

CI students have various views on the newly implemented gate system. While some argue that the new gates enhance security, others emphasize inconveniences.

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