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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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Monthly Edition: November

Implications of Illegal Drug Issues

Monthly Edition: November


Ellipse 1


Yeounseo Kim

Issues and scandals regarding the consumption of illegal drugs have impacted everyone in the globe, and has even influenced business management in a way that seems heartless, but ironically successful at the same time.

One example in business that reflects such impact of drug issues is the new business model named “Drug Dealer Model”. Drug Dealer Model (abbreviated as DDM) is a business strategy where a company gives out small parts of their products for free, with belief that their product would satisfy the customers who received it for free and will come back for it in the future as an actual customer who increase the business’ profit. Like what its name suggests, this business strategy is identical to the strategy that drug dealers use to make people addicted to drugs; giving out drugs for free, wait for them to use it and get addicted, and see them pay thousands of money for the drugs they sell.

It is a cruel reality that businesses are implementing such a strategy that originated from drug dealers, because it works. This also shows how people who are exposed to drugs would struggle hard to get away from the addiction. Implications of illegal drugs in our society is a cruel reality of the society we live in now.

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